The Projects of the Foundation

To support projects of public utility, closely related to education and to the Rosey values, is at the heart of the role of the Foundation.

An education of excellence and a great cultural diversity are at the core of Rosean education. Therefore, the Foundation naturally invests in projects abroad that meet these criteria.

Independent in its choices, the Foundation plays a role of guide to the Rosey students. Organized in a steering committee, they are involved in a significant number of charitable causes.

Philanthropic projects focusing on education and child protection across the globe.

Whether it is about Gekko in Greece or the MWCT for the Massai community in Kenya, one single and same idea moves the Foundation : to raise funds to provide teaching in local schools and then ensure they can carry on in an autonomous way.


Bamako, Mali

Le Rosey des Métiers: a professional school providing technical skills to Malian youth.

Le Rosey des Métiers is an innovative project designed to offer high-quality vocational training to pupils at Rosey-Abantara in Bamako, Mali. This four-year programme, accessible after the 3rd year of secondary school, is aimed at those who prefer to learn a practical trade rather than follow a traditional university course.

At this vocational training centre, students can acquire professional skills in a variety of areas and obtain the Brevet de technicien (BT) or Certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (CAP) in three main sectors:

  • Industry: electromechanics, electricity, air conditioning, refrigeration
  • Public works: building design and painting, masonry, plumbing, drainage
  • Crafts: metal construction, joinery

Thanks to the generosity of its participants, Le Rosey Foundation raised CHF 400,000 at its Gala 2024. These funds are earmarked for infrastructure development, the acquisition of high-quality equipment and enhancing the impact of the project. In addition, a total of CHF 89,000 raised during the paddle raise will be used to support talented students in financial difficulty, enabling them to continue their education at Rosey-Abantara.

Le Rosey des Métiers enables young people in Bamako to acquire solid vocational skills, guaranteeing them well-paid jobs and a promising future. Each year, around a hundred students will be trained to become qualified electricians, plumbers, electronic engineers, painters, carpenters and welders. With these skills, they will make a positive contribution to their communities and families, while ensuring a stable and prosperous career in a context marked by problems of security and political stability.

Mali, Bamako, October 2010 : Le Rosey Abantara opens its doors. Le Rosey Switzerland gets a sister-school in Africa.

Through the support of Le Rosey and the Foundation, over 1 400 young Malians are educated here. One school, one objective: obtaining the national Baccalaureate. With an exceptional success rate, Rosey-Abantara is one of the best private schools in the country. But the story does not end there. In October 2019, with the constant support of Le Rosey, a boarding project has seen the light of day: 82 beds, half of which are intended for young girls.

Support Rosey Abantara 

Rosey-Abantara, a story that has been ten years in the making.
The story of Le Rosey, a story of men and women who want to offer a solid education to young Malians.

On which foundations? The very essence of Le Rosey’s principles: exceptional teaching, a greater emphasis on sports, an interest in arts and languages. From the beginning, the Foundation has supported Rosey-Abantara in its primary mission: access to education for all, at the highest possible level.

Winter 2003: First Trip
Year after year, steady progress is made. In 2004: the first groups of Roseans go to Bamako to set up a language cooperation program. In 2005: the foundation stones of the building are laid! An opportunity for students and teachers to make new connections and study languages at the same time.

As the story continues, enthusiastic students and teachers volunteer to share their knowledge and contribute to the learning of languages, English in particular.

With this momentum, a collaborative framework with International Exco EGCC is set up: construction costs and oversight of the building works are optimized. The school can move forward.

In 2007: after successful fundraising and many visits, the building is constructed. Much more than this actually: 4 floors for 50 classrooms, 3 computing classrooms, a science lab, a library. And not forgetting necessary and welcoming living spaces like the dining hall or the theater, ensuring the nourishment of both body and spirit.

Time to raise the curtain on Rosey-Abantara opening its doors in 2009. From there on, exchanges, hard work and success shape and enrich this story.

A community is created: continuous exchanges between students and teachers become possible thanks to technology. Academic scholarships are granted: 125 of the best students of Mali public schools join Rosey-Abantara each year. Over 1 400 youngsters are led to the National Baccalaureate.

Remarkable results. Locally, a success rate clearly superior to other private schools. Internationally, 6 of the 12 French Excellence scholarships for excellence in 2018, allowing these graduates to continue their studies in France.

Over the last few years, the recent political situation forced changes. On-site visits are suspended, except for teachers for whom the close collaboration with their local colleagues remains essential. Nevertheless, the Foundation and Le Rosey continue their action in Mali, moving ahead with plans for the boarding facilities completed in 2019 and most of all for the scholarships at Rosey-Abantara.

The story goes on !

Boarding House 
Building a boarding house on the Rosey-Abantara campus was a logical step for the school: to help even more children in difficult situations.

In a two-storey building, groups of 42 girls and 4o boys  reside separately. Each year, some 20 to 40 beds are granted to scholars who live too far from the capital, in conditions that make it difficult for them to succeed in their studies, their parents suffering severe financial difficulties. Fees are charged for the other available beds, thus helping to cover operating costs.

The residents of the boarding school, the teachers and the direction are very enthusiastic about this new chapter, which started in October 2019 with 40 scholars and 13 paying students.

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Athens, Greece

Better Days, a Swiss and Greek NGO, is dedicated to meeting the evolving needs of refugees and displaced communities.

After Gekko Kids in Lesvos, an educational model recognised by UNICEF, Better Days is opening a new education centre in Athens.

Opening in June 2023, Gekko, located in the heart of Athens, is not just another educational centre. It is a haven of stability and growth for young refugees who face complex challenges on their journey to self-sufficiency.
It is the next logical step for our partner in Greece, Better Days, following the closure of the first Gekko Kids in Lesvos, 2020. The Le Rosey Foundation has been supporting Better Days since 2017.

At Gekko, pupils are not just students, but active participants in their own educational journey. They work closely with a team of dedicated, experienced and empathetic teachers to set realistic and achievable goals. Every aspect of their development is taken into account, from their academic success to their emotional well-being, with the aim of fostering holistic and sustainable growth.

What sets Gekko apart is its unwavering commitment to each and every student. Aware of the trauma many have suffered, the centre offers a safe and inclusive learning environment where every voice is heard and respected. Psychological support services are available to help young people overcome their emotional challenges and rebuild their lives after often harrowing experiences.

Beyond education and counselling, Gekko provides a space for young people to express themselves freely, explore their passions and pursue their dreams. Whether through artistic projects, discussion clubs or community activities, the centre encourages personal development and the creation of strong links within the community.

Support Gekko 



Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT), East Africa

The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT) works to protect the legendary ecosystems and astounding biodiversity of East Africa. How? Through conservation that directly benefits the local Maasai communities.

MWCT’s one and only aim is to promote a sustainable economy thanks to the conservation of the existing biotope. The Trust therefore funds and operates a range of programs in education, health and conservation.
To learn more about the Trust and its activities, students of Le Rosey have been on discovery trips to Kenya several times. Today, they are striving to develop long term connections with certain local projects.

Support the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust

The world increasingly relies on many traditional communities like the Maasai to protect the ecological treasures that exist within the land that they own. But the incredible wilderness and wildlife of Africa’s grasslands and the famous culture of the Maasai people face daunting threats to their long-term survival. Their fate rests with the Maasai themselves as they work to figure out how to benefit from their incredible natural resources while protecting and preserving them at the same time.

That’s what MWCT is all about: to show that the Maasai community can thrive, not just survive, by managing all this wisely, in particular thanks to a pioneering partnership between professional conservationists, like US Board President Edward Norton, and dynamic Maasai leaders.

MWCT’s efforts are focused on the Maasai communities and landscapes of Kenya’s Chyulu Hills, within the world-famous Amboseli-Tsavo Ecosystem. This is Hemingway’s “Green Hills of Africa”, deep cloud forests on hills over the savannah teeming with wildlife and Kilimanjaro rising out of the plains.

MWCT funds and operates programs in education, health and conservation. Promoting sustainable economic benefits from conserving this ecosystem, creating a cutting edge model of community-based conservation.

Le Rosey students have been on discovery-week trips to Kenya on many occasions to learn more about the activities of the Trust. It is their wish to develop long term connections with a number of local projects.

MWCT ensures a sustainable economy and the conservation of the ecosystem for the Maasai communities of Kenya!

Lately, the Foundation has contributed through a Fundraiser Gala in February 2020 to the Tree Nursery project. From seed to tree, the MWCT team looks after young plants with the goal of reforesting the forest that suffered from active deforestation. In partnership with the REDD+ project.

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